Here is something that society won't tell you: Money should not be the reason to avoid a baby. To some extent, I can agree with the author of this article. I could also find reasons to argue against it though. First, why I agree. 1. Hand-me-downs. Luckily for me, my sister had a girl and is expecting boys, so by the time I have kids, I'll have plenty of hand-me-downs to choose from! 2. Always save 10%, and put it away for unexpected hardships. Teach this to your child as well. 3. Know the difference between needs and wants...ask yourself, "What will happen if I don't have this?" If the answer is nothing, you probably don't need it. 4. In times of plenty, put it away for the lean times. 5. Saving money is great and debt is bad for your marriage. I'm not married yet, but I've heard this is true! 6. The benefits provided through your company should have allowances for children...figure out whose benefits are best and add the child to that plan. ...