
I want to introduce you to our furry children. Currently, we have two cats and three dogs. Because they live in the house with us full-time, and occasionally make appearances in pictures, they are relevant to this blog. And also because I say so.

The older of the two cats is Bella. She is a domestic medium-hair tuxedo. She turned 8 in October of 2016.

I got her from my cousin, whose cat had kittens. I brought her home right before Christmas of 2008, when I was living on my own for the first time and needed a companion. I know what you're thinking, and no, I did not name her after the Twilight series. She is named after Belle from Beauty & The Beast, my all-time favorite movie.

The younger of the two cats is Fiona. She is a domestic short-hair tabby. She turned 5 in March of 2017.

J and I rescued her after our friends found her left in a box at the age of just 4 weeks young. She is named after Fiona on the TV show "Burn Notice," because she's one tough little girl! She has gained a lot of weight over the years, and now weighs a hefty 17.5 lbs! We are working with her on a diet plan to help her lose weight so she can be healthy and happy for a long time. She's not thrilled about it.

Next came Penny, our oldest dog. She is a pit bull terrier/shepherd mix. She turned 4 in November of 2016.

We got Penny after I went to PetCo one Saturday and saw her there through a local adoption agency. I fell in love with her instantly, called J to come meet her, and we took her home that day. She is SO full of energy and 100% puppy!! She loves to chase the kitties and bark at squirrels and birds. She lives every day to the fullest!

Our next dog is Gracie. She is a black shepherd mix, and she turned 3 in January of 2017.

Gracie came to us by way of a coworker who found her and her littermates abandoned in a box in the middle of the road. We took Gracie with intentions of finding a home for her, but I fell in love with her and begged J to let me keep her. I mean, look at those eyes and ears!

Finally, our youngest (and largest!) dog is Charlie. He is a black lab mix with beautiful blonde highlights, and he turned 1 in March of 2017.

J found Charlie while he was working...the poor guy had been hit by a car. Turns out he didn't have any injuries, he was just extremely malnourished. No one claimed him from Animal Control, so we brought him home and fattened him up! He is now a healthy 70 lbs, and loves tormenting his 2 older sisters.


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