A Spare Closet

So, while we were installing the base molding in the downstairs bedroom, we discovered an interesting fact about the back wall of the closet: there are no studs! Somehow, they attached drywall directly to the cement foundation wall (there does at least appear to be a vapor barrier between them, so that's good!).

As a reminder, this is what the closet looked like before:

 And here it was with all of our stuff in it...as you can see, it wasn't well organized, and we half-expected that sagging bottom shelf to collapse at any moment.

We had big plans for installing a fancy closet organization system, and had even spent a full day driving to and from various home improvement stores in town, trying to find the perfect system to fit our closet and maximize the storage. So once we discovered the "closet quirk", we had a couple of options to consider. One option was to either build out the wall by adding studs and a new layer of drywall, but this would require driving anchors into the cement floor to anchor the wall. We don't have that kind of equipment. Also, the location of the fuse box made that not a very good option. The other option was to scratch the wall-mounted system and get something free-standing. The free-standing options were much more limited, and much less attractive to be quite honest, but we decided it would be the best way for us to go right now. We contemplated cabinets, cupboards, shelves, etc. but finally decided on this metal shelving unit:

Image Source: Lowes
The unit we actually bought was from Target, but it's the exact same thing...I just couldn't find it on their website. It was Room Essentials brand, and due to a typo in their weekly ad we got it for $40. Score!

So after we installed all of the base molding in the room (gluing it to the walls in the closet, since there were no studs to attach it to), we put this shelf unit together and started loading it up. It's nothing pretty to look at, but it holds a surprising amount of stuff! We also recycled some storage pieces from the upstairs guest bedroom closet, since we recently re-organized that closet as well (more on that later!).

So here is the closet all loaded up:

It's certainly nothing pretty to look at, but it holds an impressive amount of stuff! All of those totes are various season decorations (Valentine's Day, Easter, Thanksgiving). Also a couple of the totes are baby gifts or gifts I'm saving for my sister's kids. Then we also keep some of our lesser-used serving dishes and appliances in there. We also use this bedroom for hanging our "delicates" to dry, so we keep the drying racks in this closet when they're not in use.

But since this closet is not so pretty to look at, mostly we keep the doors closed:

There you have it! A finished storage closet in a spare bedroom. The doors are hanging a bit wonky, so we still have to work on that. They also need a fresh coat of white paint at some point. Baby steps!


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